lunedì 3 febbraio 2025


The best of the Territory in Piacentino App

Click on the right and download your application dedicated to the territory of the province of Piacenza and keep it at a click on your iphone, ipad, ipod.
The App, this next generation tool that is the ultimate communication and information, is the new way to know and live the territory of Piacenza.
Choose your itineraries and be guided visit to the city of Piacenza and its valleys, decide the places to see and, above all, choose the best Farms, Restaurants and Activities' Receptive Piacentine!
App VisitPiacentino, to discover the best, including an extraordinary ambience and flavors of the traditional cuisine of Piacenza.
App VisitPiacentino, simply the best of the territory Piacentino! click the link to the right and good ... Visit! the excellence of the Territory Piacentino waiting for you!
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