mercoledì 12 marzo 2025

Painters Piacenza: Alessandra Chiappini

numerous group exhibitions in Italy and abroad

Painters Piacenza: Alessandra Chiappini
Alessandra Chiappini - Biography
was born in Piacenza three days after the summer solstice of 1971 and has the good fortune of being nephew of architect Peter Berzolla.She is 'married Stefano Torre and is the mother of the fantastic Marcellino.
She graduated in painting with honors at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera with a thesis on philosophical and mythological Dionysus then became the subject of some conferences.
She has exhibited in numerous group exhibitions in Italy (Piacenza, Milan, Como, Venice, Pistoia, Florence, Senigallia), Austria (Vienna, Linz), Germany (Düsseldorf), Japan (Tokyo) and Canada (Toronto). Among the most important figure 'pain in the art ", (room Napoleonic Brera, 1994) documented a catalog Electa. Occasion, the BBC and the weekly Amica have reproduced a photograph of the opera" ara Dionysus "Guido Russians on Amica, called it "a suggestive image that recalls the birth of the god from the bowels of the earth". Worthy of mention is also his participation in the Biennale of Contemporary Art in Florence in December 1999.
Teaches drawing and polychrome Institute for wood restoration of Piacenza.
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