lunedì 3 febbraio 2025

Agriturismo Il Rio

for a day or a holiday fitness

Agriturismo Il Rio
There is a place where you do not need words to be understood, comparisons to feel good, strong sensations to thrill with excitement.
And 'Agriturismo Il Rio, to spend an unforgettable day.
To be like family, with the friendliness and the pleasure of being at the table, by nature and with all the amenities.
A horse, a race track, a moment of wonder while you taste the fine cuisine of Rio.
And then a bath in the swimming pool, a walk in the green garden, a meeting with the animals in court ... A lunch surrounded by laughter and good things.
The Farm The Rio ... a holiday fitness!
  • email:
  • Indirizzo: Loc. Rossia
  • Località: Gossolengo Val Trebbia
  • tel 0523.778545 - cell. 335.6157488
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